Linked list

Of all data structures, the linked list might be my favourite. Ever since I first learnt how to implement one, I've been intrigued by pointers and memory. I know; that combination isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I'm fascinated by it.

What's a linked list?

We saw in previous sections that arrays are only able to hold objects of the same size. Imagine a data structure (visualise a container) that has slots which can hold variable-size objects. We can't use contiguous blocks of memory to achieve this goal, but we can use available memory slots as long as each slot has a pointer to the next slot in the container. That's exactly what a linked list is.

Since the memory slots don't need to be next to each other, a given "slot" could actually consist of multiple memory slots. All we need is to maintain the pointers. In fact, all the user of the linked list really needs to keep track of is a pointer to the "head" of the linked list. This is the first "node" of the list and enables us to find all other nodes, by traversing the chain of pointers. Some implementations also keep track of the "tail", or last node, of the list.

A series of computer memory slots containing a linked list
                the linked list is a group of non-consecutive slots which 
                are linked by pointers. The first slot is the head and the last slot 
                is the tail, which points to null.

The concept we've described so far is known as a "singly linked list"; each node has a pointer to the next node in the list, and the last node points to null. Though we can traverse the list one-way using this structure, removing nodes and traversing in the opposite direction is challenging. (If you remove a node from a singly linked list, you need to update the pointer of its previous node to point to the node following the removed node. Unless you use multiple pointers when looking for the node to remove, this can lead to multiple traversals of the list.)

A simple and common solution is for each node in the list to maintain two pointers: one to the next node and one to the previous node. This is known as a "doubly linked list".

The image below shows both a singly linked list and a doubly linked list. The dotted pointers are pointers to each node's previous node. Without them, the list is a singly linked list.

What's the point(er)?

"Okay, a linked list can store variable-size objects. But what benefits does it have apart from that?", you might be thinking. Good question. Linked lists can be used to:

If that's not enough, then add the fact that there's something intriguing about traversing a chain of pointers, like trying to find your way through a maze.

Ready to see some code?

Adding elements

To add an element to an empty singly linked list, we create a new node, insert the element into the list and ensure the head pointer points to the new node. To add an element at the head of a non-empty list, we again create a new node. But before we point the head to the new node, we point the new node to the current head of the list.

If we have a pointer to the tail of the list, adding an element at the tail is similar. We create a new node, point the current tail to the new node and then update the tail pointer to point to the new node.

Both adding at the head and adding at the tail are constant-time operations in a doubly linked list. This is one area in which a linked list trumps a static or dynamic array. There's no need to create new arrays and copy elements over.

Inserting an element in-between two elements is a linear-time operation. We need to scan the list to find the index to insert at. In the worst case, we scan n / 2 nodes until we find the index in a doubly linked list, (assuming the index exists).

The image below shows the insertion of a new node in a doubly linked list. The dotted pointers are the old pointers which are "re-routed" to point to the new node.

In a singly linked list, removal is a little bit fiddly. So we're going to look at the implementation of a doubly linked list in Java. I highly recommend implementing a singly linked list as well, though. It's good exercise.

We'll begin the class with some member variables and a helper class that represents a node.

Linked list member variables and Node class
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

public class DoublyLinkedList<E> {
  private Node<E> head, tail;
  private int size;

  private static class Node<E> {
    private Node<E> previous, next;
    private E data;

    public Node(Node<E> previous, Node<E> next, E data) {
      this.previous = previous; = next; = data;

And now we'll add the … add methods.

By default, we add a new element to the tail of the list. We can also add to the head, though.

Linked list add(), addFirst() and addLast() methods
// Assume this list permits duplicates.
public void add(E element) {

public void addLast(E element) {
  if (isEmpty()) {
    head = tail = new Node<>(null, null, element);
  } else {
    tail = = new Node<>(tail, null, element);

public void addFirst(E element) {    
  if (isEmpty()) {
    head = tail = new Node<>(null, null, element);
  } else {
    head = head.previous = new Node<>(null, head, element);      

The final add method we'll implement is actually a method to insert an element in-between two other nodes in the list. We traverse the list from either the head or the tail, create a new node for the element and update or set the relevant next and previous pointers.

Linked list method to add element at specific index
public void add(int index, E element) {
  if (index < 0 || index > size) {
    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Invalid index; got: " + index);

  if (index == 0) {

  if (index == size) {
  int i;
  Node<E> traverser;
  if (index > size/2) {
    for (i = size-1, traverser = tail; i > index; i--) {
      traverser = traverser.previous;
  } else {
    for (i = 0, traverser = head; i < index; i++) {
      traverser =;
  Node<E> newNode = new Node<>(traverser.previous, traverser, element);          = newNode;
  traverser.previous = newNode;    

Removing elements

A doubly linked list makes removing elements a treat, especially if you've ever tried to write a remove method for a singly linked list. The code below implements a method to remove the current head (if it exists), a method to remove the current tail and a method to remove the element at a given index.

As with adding new elements, removal (from anywhere but the head or tail) is a linear-time operation and requires us to update the next and previous pointers of any existing nodes, to ensure that nobody gets a horrible NullPointerException by trying to access nodes or pointers that (should) no longer exist.

Removal of an element from the middle of a doubly linked list. The removed element 
                and its pointers are dotted and the pointers of its neighbours are re-routed to 
                point to each other.

The Java LinkedList documentation includes a few other removal methods. Feel free to add those to your implementation.

Linked list removeFirst(), removeLast() and remove() methods
public E removeFirst() {
  if (isEmpty()) {
    throw new NoSuchElementException("Cannot remove from empty list");

  E data =;    
  if ( == null) {            
    tail = null;
  } else {  = null;                        
  head =;           
  return data;    

public E removeLast() {
  if (isEmpty()) {
    throw new NoSuchElementException("Cannot remove from empty list");

  E data =;
  if (tail.previous == null) {
    head = null;
  } else { = null;
  tail = tail.previous;    
  return data;    

public E remove(int index) {
  if (index < 0 || index >= size) {
    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Invalid index; got: " + index);

  if (index == 0) return removeFirst();
  if (index == size-1) return removeLast();

  int i;
  Node<E> traverser;
  if (index > size/2) {      
    for (i = size-1, traverser = tail; i > index; i--) {
      traverser = traverser.previous;
  } else {      
    for (i = 0, traverser = head; i < index; i++) {
      traverser =;
  E data =; =; = traverser.previous;
  traverser = null;
  return data;

That's it for this implementation. The linked list code is a bit more involved than the code for many of the other data structures we'll see, because of the pointer updating. But understanding how it works makes understanding many other data structures a breeze, especially those implemented using a linked list.

Key takeaways

I enjoyed writing that. I hope you enjoyed reading it and coding along.

We've seen that a linked list:

Regarding space complexity, the operations we've covered will be O ( n ) , where n is the number of nodes in the linked list.